Solidaridad con los trabajadores de MMC automotriz desde Austria, Gran Bretaña y Bélgica y un parlamentario de Dinamarca.

Desde Dinamarca


A la attención del Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezuela, *

Nos hemos enterado de la noticia de la muerte de dos obreros de la fábrica Mitsubitshi (MMC) en Barcelona, estado Anzoategui. Fueron matados por la policia regional de Anzoategui que trataron de desalojar los obreros que habían tomado la planta.

Rechazamos firmemente esta violencia cometida contra los obreros. Exigimos que ustedes ordenan una investigación sobre los hechos occuridos y que los responsables sean detenidos y juzgados por sus actos. No estamos en contra del gobierno, ní la revolución bolivariana pero pensamos que las reinvidicaciones de los obreros son justos y condenamos cualquier acto de repressión contra la lucha obrera.

Esperando su respuesta,

/Frank Aaen, /
Miembro del parlamento de Dinamarca por La Lista de Unidad (Alianza rojo-verde)
(Member of the Danish parliament for the Red-Green Alliance).

Desde Gran Bretaña.


Dear Colleagues,

The PCS ECGD Branch in Britain would like to express our outrage at
the killing of Jose Marcano and Pedro Suarez by the police, during the
attempt to evict the Mitsusbishi (MMC) workers who were occupying the
plant in Barcelona, Venezuela. We would also like to express our
solidarity with the MMC workers.

We welcome the speedy action of the authorities in bringing charges
against the police officers involved.

We ask that all those responsible for the killings be brought to justice.

We ask that the just demands of the MMC workers be granted, including
the reinstatement of the 135 illegally sacked Induserve workers.

In solidarity,

Julian Sharpe


Desde Austria


The following visitors of the film screening „5 factories – Arbeiterkontrolle in Venezuela” by Oliver Ressler and Dario Azzellini at the “Solidarity economy Congress” in Vienna signed our appeal in solidarity with the workers of MMC:


Oscar Fuhrich

Ruth Ryvarden

Georg Schiller

Eleonore Schwarz (Südwind NÖ)

Markus Grohmann

Michaela Fischböck

Bernd Maier

Jürgen Rendl

Friederike Hubatschek

Isidor Wallimann

Daniela Wiebogen

Jiri Silny 


The “branch for trade union activism” of the ÖGB (Austrian Trade Union Confederation) in Wels with shop stewards from the post, railways and council workers present signed the appeal in solidarity with the Mitsubishi workers.

 Kenndler Christian
Mitterhuemer Johann
Kogler Günther
Roschitz Roman, ÖBB (railway)
Wimmer Roman, ÖBB (railway)
Kantringer Hubert, ÖBB (railway)
Klaus Kislinger, council worker
Gerard Florian
Mihai Csabai
Friedemann Schoberansky


Desde Bélgica.


We would like to express our outrage at the killing of Jose Marcano
and Pedro Suarez by the police, during the attempt to evict the
Mitsusbishi (MMC) workers who were occupying the plant in Barcelona,

We welcome the speedy action of the authorities in bringing charges
against the police officers involved.

We ask that all those responsible for the killings be brought to
justice including the general secretary of the governorship, the
judges who gave the orders, and the management of MMC.

We ask that the just demands of the MMC workers be granted, including
the reinstatement of the 135 illegally sacked Induserve workers.

In solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution and the workers’ struggle

Vonk: Marxistische Studenten – Universiteit Gent